Bechara Maalouf

BFA in Art & Design

But first, Coffee

But first, Coffee is a speculative design project that uses narrative and recycled material exploration in order to question our current consumption habits. Presented through a timeline of an apocalyptic world in which coffee is naturally a part of regular survival, these upcycled objects use extrapolative thinking to question our current norms of consumption and teach the possibilities of simple reuse and DIY techniques through the lens of coffee drinking.

In this project is a collection of DIY platforms learned and invented to show people a more sustainable and mindful way to consume coffee. This project aims to use design to teach people about the possibilities of human rituals in the future and how these processes can be transferred to the present.

But first, Coffee Intro

Year 1

Year 2

Year 2 – The Bug Out Roaster Back Pack

Year 3

Year 3 – 24 Hour Brewer

Year 4

Year 4 – Shelving and Insulation

Year 5

Year 5 – The Sunshine Roaster